
Departure for India

2 November 2012
Departure for India

This morning I took off for India.
I’m not yet travelling on a prayer mat or on one of these flags fluttering in the wind, but that doesn’t mean I am not unmoved by the intense mystique of this country, its poetry.
These materials you see here symbolise the sky, the earth, water, fire and air, depending on their colour. On each of these flags are printed prayers that are carried off by the wind.

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View of the Kanchenjunga range

23 October 2012
View of the Kanchenjunga range

While the sky is often overcast in Darjeeling during the summer months, it is often clear from the end of October.
It is then possible to admire the view of the Kanchenjunga range from the promenade that starts at Chowrasta, in the centre of the city.

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People and itineraries crossing paths

28 September 2012
People and itineraries crossing paths

Life is about meeting people, about trajectories that follow one another or cross paths. Life is a path.

I dedicate this photo to Emilie who has looked after my blog since it started. I record my thoughts, but it is Emilie who presents them so beautifully. She gives them titles. She also searches through my many photos, sometimes cropping one for better effect. And she gives my writing a second life on the social networks.

Emilie is now taking another path, and I’ll miss her. I’d also like to thank her for the quality of her work. I hope she enjoys the road ahead. And I hope it is as beautiful as this one, which winds its way between the tea plants towards Darjeeling.

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A delightful gift from a Japanese supplier

25 September 2012
A delightful gift from a Japanese supplier

When I meet tea producers we always exchange small gifts. It’s a nice way of expressing our pleasure at working together.

One of our Japanese suppliers with whom I’ve just spent the day has given me these delightful ceramic figures. I photographed them in the morning light, before making them an offering of a Gyokuro. Looking at them fills me with a sense of calm and wellbeing.

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A familiar little train on my blog…

18 September 2012
A familiar little train on my blog…

The little train of Darjeeling is a familiar sight on my blog. It comes and goes whenever it pleases, without so much as a by-your-leave. And it doesn’t just do this on my pages either: look how casually it makes use of the road when it fancies! Other vehicles have to watch out when this train is about.

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Happy holidays to all my readers!

31 July 2012
Happy holidays to all my readers!

With many of you currently heading out of town, I dedicate this photo to you, and hope you enjoy your holidays. As for me, I’m surrounded by nature all year round in the tea fields, and I’ll continue to bring you news throughout the summer. The tea plants won’t stop growing while you’re at the seaside. And don’t forget to prepare a flask of your favourite iced tea to keep you cool on the beach!

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The West Lake, a Chinese tourist hot-spot

3 July 2012
The West Lake, a Chinese tourist hot-spot

Many of you will be preparing for the holidays, so here is a view of the West Lake, a Chinese tourist hot-spot. Situated in the middle of the city of Hangzhou, this lake is a dream destination for our friends in China.
Happily, it is possible to enjoy this view while tasting a remarkable, freshly-harvested green tea, as Long Jing is located just a few kilometres away. This proximity to the birthplace of the most famous Chinese tea has its part to play in Hangzhou’s excellent reputation.

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The Darjeeling train can travel without carriages

9 May 2012
The Darjeeling train can travel without carriages

The little Darjeeling train is completely unpredictable. From time to time it travels without carriages. A few lucky passengers seem to be allowed though, on condition that they can hold a contorted pose for a long time. They hang their bags wherever they can, and simply put any other luggage on the roof of the locomotive.

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The little Darjeeling train manoeuvring in the street

17 February 2012
The little Darjeeling train manoeuvring in the street

I stand back to let the little Darjeeling train past, the famous “Toy Train”. I do so quickly as it isn’t always easy to know which direction it is travelling in. The whistle blows and amidst a terrible racket, here it is starting to gather speed. It is manoeuvring right in the middle of the street, surrounded by people and traffic. We can guess from the tense face of the driver, who has his back to the engine and is steaming straight ahead, that it isn’t an easy task.

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Siroter un thé brûlant, un vrai bonheur d’hiver

17 January 2012
Siroter un thé brûlant, un vrai bonheur d’hiver

Lorsque le froid vous tombe dessus, quoi de plus agréable que de rentrer chez soi, mettre en route la bouilloire et se réchauffer les doigts quelques minutes plus tard au contact d’une tasse de thé fumante ?

Sous un beau soleil hivernal, me voici en train de siroter un thé brûlant face aux montagnes du Haut-Atlas

Sipping scalding tea is a treat in winter

When you’re feeling cold, what could be better than going home, putting the kettle on and warming your fingers a few minutes later around a cup of steaming tea?

Under a beautiful winter sun, here I am sipping boiling hot tea overlooking the High Atlas mountains.

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